Climate Change Mitigation

Reforesting Africa’s highest mountain could halt severe water shortages in Tanzania, according to a new report titled,  “2016 Sustainable Mountain Development in East Africa in a Changing Climate.” Mount (...

The earth’s soil stores a lot of carbon from the atmosphere, and managing it with the climate in mind may be an important part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to curb global warming, according to ...

It is easy to look at the news and be overwhelmed with the amount of problems going on right now. Everywhere you look, there’s escalations between countries, environmental issues, world hunger, human rights violations internationally and at home, food sustainability — the list can go...

La comunidad internacional se ha fijado como objetivo limitar en 2°C el aumento del termómetro global, generado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, lo que de no lograrse tendría impactos graves e irreversibles según los científicos. A cinco meses de la conferencia de...

En Bonn, Alemania, delegaciones de 195 países intentarán mejorar un documento de 80 páginas elaborado en febrero en Ginebra, que contiene numerosas redundancias y contradicciones, sobre las políticas a abordar para enfrentar el cambio climático.

La carrera para...

The search for Momentum for Change’s 2015 Lighthouse Activities is on! Applications are being accepted from 21 January to 24 April. Spearheaded by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Momentum for Change shines a light on the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples...

As the final countdown begins to the UN climate summit in Paris, some key issues are coming to the fore. One that I have a keen interest in is the need for greater links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, with experience from India showing the many benefits that this...

How can climate change law and governance contribute to the advancement of sustainable development in a carbon-constrained world?  What innovative legal instruments, policies and institutions will be needed to implement the outcomes of the 21rst Conference of the Parties (CoP21) to...

In the past couple of weeks, climate change has captured the headlines: Leaders of the G7 agreed to a decarbonization of the global economy over the course of this century; Pope Francis released...

In 2005 the South African Cabinet (referred to as Cabinet from now onwards) mandated the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) to commission the Long Term Mitigation Scenario (LTMS) process. Lasting two years, the LTMS was a combination of modelling and facilitated...


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