
Food Sovereignty is the right of the world’s peoples to produce and consume healthy food. Food cannot be reduced to a commodity in the hands of the transnational corporations

The international peasant and family farmer movement, La Via Campesina, is...

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate is pleased to announce the launch of Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report. Go to to find out...

Indigenous mountain communities from nine countries formed an International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples at a workshop in Bhutan. The workshop, which discussed how to respond to climate change impacts on their food and farming systems, resulted in the...

Join us at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum, from 6-7 December 2014 in Lima, Peru

The second Global Landscapes Forum will be held in Lima on the weekend in the middle of the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) to the UNFCCC. With this timing and location...

An International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples has been formed in order to exchange seeds and knowledge to achieve food sovereignty and climate change adaptation in mountain environments, and to advocate for community biocultural heritage rights....

On 06 June, the "Innovation for Food Security and Sovereignty in the Andes" (IssAndes) project received an Honorable Mention in the 2013 Harvesting Nutrition Competition organized by the SecureNutrition Knowledge Platform’s supported by the World Bank. The aim of this competition is...

Foto: Diario El Tribuno

Nota publicada en el diario El Tribuno


Con el fin de realizar un análisis transversal del sector agropecuario Argentino e internacional, se presentaron las posturas y visiones de representantes de empresas, instituciones, organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG...


Nota enviada por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC)


El creciente aumento de la demanda internacional por productos de la biodiversidad nativa peruana, tales como el sacha inchi, la maca, el yacón, el maíz morado,...

Foto: Elías Mujica. Archivo CONDESAN

Convocatoria enviada por el Programa Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (PDRS)


Se busca un asesor técnico sénior en “competitividad rural” para asesorar al Ministerio de Agricultura de Perú y otras instituciones nacionales para fortalecer la competitividad rural en...

Nota publicada en SciDev.Net


Campesinos marginales del mundo en desarrollo pronto podrían ‘ver’ el futuro a través de una herramienta que los ayudará a adaptarse al cambio climático simulando cómo se afectará su producción dentro de los próximos 20 años.



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