Glaciologists in China and elsewhere have said for years that climate change is the main cause of glacier erosion, which threatens the water sources of much of humanity.
Officials in the far northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang now say another factor is putting the fragile...
Village elder Yang Zhenjun isn't ready to move out from the valley where his people have herded sheep and tended crops for generations amid arid, drought-prone mountains of China's northwest. Still, he acknowledges that life as he has known it is all but over.
The community's...
It turns out that Asia's glaciers are shrinking fast. Scientists have found along the Tien Shan, Central Asia's largest mountain range, glaciers have lost a staggering 27 percent of their mass and 18 percent of their area during the last 50 years.
It turns out that Asia's glaciers are shrinking fast. Scientists have found along the Tien Shan, Central Asia's largest mountain range, glaciers have lost a staggering 27 percent of their mass and 18 percent of their area during the last 50 years.
En reuniones bilaterales del presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, con representantes de empresas chinas se lograron importantes acuerdos para el desarrollo energético, industrial, de la construcción y la producción agropecuaria en Venezuela.
...Ingrediente de entremeses, platos fuertes y hasta postres, la quinua de Perú fue presentada este miércoles en Bejing ante un público chino curioso por descubrir este misterioso producto de los Incas.
Los habitantes...
Luego de dos décadas, el Ministerio de Recursos Hídricos de China, ha publicado su último 'Censo Hidrográfico' y un dato que ha preocupado a los...
El ministro de Agricultura, Milton von Hesse, sostuvo hoy que la República Popular China ha abierto su mercado, conformado por 1,500 millones de consumidores, a la quinua y los granos andinos de Perú....
Estados Unidos evitó comprometerse a recortes más fuertes en sus emisiones de gases invernadero al 2020, pese a pedidos de las naciones pobres por medidas más contundentes para evitar tormentas, sequías y la elevación del nivel del mar, al inicio de la 18ª conferencia de la ONU sobre...
The report explores strategies towards water and energy security in China as well as to provide an overview of water risk exposure across China’s power landscape.
China’s waterscape is changing. Water risks in China, be they physical, economic or regulatory, have great social-economic impacts and are well recognized, especially those in China’s water-energy nexus...