climate change

Incorporating human behavior into hydrology models is critical to predicting water availability


Ice caps, very large sheets of ice, do not only exist at the earth’s poles. There are tropical ice caps inmountain ranges, too. The largest is the Quelccaya IceCap, on top of the Andes Mountains in Peru.


The world’s glaciers are in retreat. The great tongues of ice high in the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps and the Rockies are going back uphill at ever greater speeds, according to new research.

And this loss of ice is both accelerating and “historically unprecedented”, say...

That's at least according to a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which details how tropical tree species in the...

La comunidad internacional se ha fijado como objetivo limitar en 2°C el aumento del termómetro global, generado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, lo que de no lograrse tendría impactos graves e irreversibles según los científicos. A cinco meses de la conferencia de...

Hay un largo camino desde la firma de la Convención de Cambio Climático en 1992 y la esperada reunión de París a fines de este año. Este documento recorre los antecedentes que nos llevan a las actuales INDCs. 

A fines de este año se celebrará la 21ª Conferencia de las...

The International Scientific Conference “Our common future under climate change” will take place at UNESCO and UPMC (...

  • Japón boicotea su liderazgo y pierde oportunidades con su tímido y flojo plan de acción para la  reducción de emisiones e nivel nacional.
  • Nuevos informes subrayan los costos e impactos de los subsidios a combustibles fósiles.
  • Entre 1980...

The search for Momentum for Change’s 2015 Lighthouse Activities is on! Applications are being accepted from 21 January to 24 April. Spearheaded by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Momentum for Change shines a light on the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples...

Please join Peru’s water regulator SUNASS, the Swiss Water Partnership, and Forest Trends for a special event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city.

  • When:...


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