The world’s glaciers are in retreat. The great tongues of ice high in the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps and the Rockies are going back uphill at ever greater speeds, according to new research.
And this loss of ice is both accelerating and “historically unprecedented”, say...
Lausanne, Apr. 14th, 2016
In the Himalayan region, women are the pillars of the rural economies and yet, despite some progress, they continue to face more obstacles to development than men, as a result of gender-based discrimination.
In November 2014,...
La comunidad internacional se ha fijado como objetivo limitar en 2°C el aumento del termómetro global, generado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, lo que de no lograrse tendría impactos graves e irreversibles según los científicos. A cinco meses de la conferencia de...
Un estudio internacional dirigido por investigadores españoles del CREAF en toda Europa permite analizar de manera real la magnitud del impacto del cambio climático.
Un estudio publicado en la revista ...
Aquae Fundación ha lanzado la campaña 'WaterDate 3' para celebrar, de una manera lúdica y educativa, el Día Mundial del Agua, que este año se dedica al Desarrollo Sostenible. 'WaterDate 3', está...
The goal of the MONTANHA Pico Festival is to presente films about mountain culture from nature, adventure, expeditions to stories set in mountain scenery. Films in digital format can be shorts, medium or long features. Films cannot be in its entirity on the web for all to see. Films...
Le ministère de l’environnement du Pérou a commencé jeudi passé à travers la Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l’information environnementale un programme hebdomadaire appelé “Jeudi scientifique” pour que les prenneurs de décisions puissent connaître et récolter de première...
- Deadline: July 31st, 2014
- Responsable: Manfred Perlik (EURAC/Bolzano, Laboratoire Pacte/Univ. of Grenoble, and CDE/Univ. of Bern)
- See the whole text: ...
The Bonn Climate Change Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) continued on Thursday, 5 June. In the morning, the first meeting of the contact group under the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) convened. The ADP Co-...
Mountain ecosystems enrich the lives of over half of the world’s population as a source of water, energy, agriculture and other essential goods and services. Unfortunately, while the impact of climate change is accentuated at high altitude, such regions are often on the edge of...