
Don't miss the fast approaching deadline - Friday 30 January 2015 - to submit your abstract for papers, posters and videos.

The XIV World Forestry Congress will take...

  • Se acaba de celebrar en Zaragoza bajo el lema la conferencia anual de la ONU, 'De la visión a la acción'
  • Un caso de éxito presentado: el grupo de mujeres Tegemeo, en Tanzania, consigue acceso al agua potable y saneamiento para 10.000 personas de sus...

The dynamic assessment and monitoring of available water resources and seasonal predictions are a basis for the sustainable management and use of water resources. To this effect, an International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction is being organized in...


OECD Environment Working Papers No. 74

This paper explores methodological approaches that can be used to monitor and evaluate climate change adaptation initiatives at the projects and programme levels. It examines approaches that have been used in other areas of...

Genetic resources for food and agriculture play a crucial role in food security, nutrition and livelihoods and in the provision of environmental services. They are key components of sustainability, resilience and adaptability in production systems. They underpin the ability of crops,...

by Manuel Peralvo, CONDESAN

The Andean region shares with other mountain areas in the world steep environmental gradients interacting with complex social and economic dynamics that influence patterns of access to...

More than two billion people live in river basins that overlap the snow leopard range, but how important are water sources located in snow leopard habitat to local and downstream human communities? This set of maps is meant to illustrate the key water services provided by snow...
Land-use change, including deforestation, is currently estimated to generate about 3.3 billion tonnes of tonnes of carbon emissions per year – approximately 10% of all human emissions1. REDD+ has emerged in response to this, as an international initiative that aims to provide...
The Global Canopy Programme’s (GCP) is a tropical forest thinktank based in Oxford working through multidisciplinary networks worldwide, pioneering initiatives such as the Forest Footprint Disclosure Project, the Natural Capital Declaration, the REDD Desk and the Little Book series test innovative solutions to protect forests within a global economy that still values them more dead than alive....


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