
IRENA, CENER (Spain), DLR (Germany), Masdar Institute (UAE), NREL (USA) and MINES ParisTech (France) are very pleased to announce the release of Global Atlas 2.0.

This new version features maps for solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and marine energy, and includes new...

IRENA, CENER (Spain), DLR (Germany), Masdar Institute (UAE), NREL (USA) and MINES ParisTech (France) are very pleased to announce the release of Global Atlas 2.0.

This new version features maps for solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy and marine energy, and includes new...

This Master's Degree Program is a multidisciplinary two-year program taught in English at the University of Eastern Finland. The program combines group teaching and independent research with the objective of providing participants with professional skills in environmental law and...

Water flows in Peru's Cañete basin

How do we balance user of ecosystems services - such as clean water - with preservation of the environments that provides such benefits? In the Cañete river basin on Peru's central coast, partners are working to do just that...

The Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) is an ambitious 12-year CGIAR Research Program, unmatched in its scope and range of partners. 

It embodies innovative thinking on agriculture, the...

The sheer number of events and gatherings in Lima during COP20 both inside and outside the official venue was staggering. Compared to previous COPs, including COP16 in Cancun, Mexico, the number and quality of events focusing on Latin America was unprecedented and...

Sustainable Mountain Development Series

Some of the clearest and most visible signs of climate change, such as glacier retreat, are found in mountain areas. But the implications of climate change in mountains extend far beyond mountain regions. Climate change in...


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