
We have the pleasure of sharing with you some important information about two upcoming mountain events in Mbale, Uganda next October:

• The World Mountain Forum – Mountains for Our Future on 17-19 October

• The Fifth Global Meeting of the...

Sociologists believe that traditions, beliefs and cultures in many African countries often exclude women from some socio-economic activities. They note that in most cases, women are denied some privileges, including the rights to land ownership due to beliefs in some cultures that...

While potato industry officials say 2015 was a slower year for sales of fresh Maine potatoes, one variety did buck the trend — red potatoes.

Of the more than 20 varieties of potatoes planted by growers across the state, the russet burbank is the most popular. Known as a dry,...

In Borneo, an island shared by Indonesia and Malaysia, some of the world’s oldest tropical forests are being cut down and replaced with oil palm plantations at a breakneck pace. Wiping forests high in biodiversity off the land for monoculture plantations causes numerous environmental...

The term ‘biodiversity’ conjures up images of trees, plants, insects and mammals, which are increasingly recognized as important in sustaining agricultural landscapes. But what of the biodiversity which exists under the ground? How important is this to agricultural systems and in...

Aunque estos ecosistemas volvieron a estar en el centro del debate debido al fallo de la Corte que ratificó que toda minería queda restringida, muchos creen que se enfrentan a un desafío mayor: lograr que la actividad agropecuaria disminuya progresivamente.

Con el...

The Government of Uganda through its Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE) jointly with Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) and in collaboration with partners in a global programme “Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change (SMD4GC)” financially and technically...

There are some questions so vast, so perplexing, that it seems humanity might never have a concrete answer one way or the other. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Why did the chicken cross the road? Will organic agriculture ever be...

The potato variety Nicola was added to the German varieties list in 1973. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Fitschen (Europlant, previously Saatzucht Soltau Bergen) cultivated the Nicola at the end of the 60s. The Nicola is a relatively early, waxy variety with a long to oval shape. The Nicola is...
The potato variety Nicola was added to the German varieties list in 1973. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Fitschen (Europlant, previously Saatzucht Soltau Bergen) cultivated the Nicola at the end of the 60s. The Nicola is a relatively early, waxy variety with a long to oval shape. The Nicola is...


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