climate change

Climate change is a global threat to security in the 21st century. We must act quickly to limit the future risks to the planet we share and to the peace we seek.

Achieving a robust agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is of paramount importance. Yet the relentless...

Global climate change trends indicate that even with mitigation efforts, our planet will continue warming into the next century, leading to more extreme climate conditions and weather events. The Latin America and Caribbean region is particularly vulnerable to some of the most...

National pledge to reduce carbon emissions remains a mystery as government focuses energy development on Vaca Muerta shale reserves, reports Clarin.

It’s been 11,000 years since temperatures were this high on Earth, thanks to our burning of oil and gas, releasing...

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out WHY you were born.' - Mark Twain

We have no control over the day we are born. But our journey to discover our life's purpose - why we are born - is something we can control....

The world’s regions are in the frontline in the battle against climate change – that was the message sent from a conference of local authorities in Lyon, France last week (World ...

In the past couple of weeks, climate change has captured the headlines: Leaders of the G7 agreed to a decarbonization of the global economy over the course of this century; Pope Francis released...

ISLAMABAD: Glaciers across the world are seriously threatened by climate change and global warming, warned international experts in a recently-released report.

The team of scientists came together as part of the...

In 2005 the South African Cabinet (referred to as Cabinet from now onwards) mandated the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) to commission the Long Term Mitigation Scenario (LTMS) process. Lasting two years, the LTMS was a combination of modelling and facilitated...
The on-going UN negotiations for a 2015 climate agreement have yet to resolve two fundamental legal issues on which the effectiveness of this agreement will hinge. First, they have yet to resolve the precise legal form this agreement will take. Parties agreed in Durban, 2011 to...

Key Points

  • Frustration and anger are growing at the lack of progress and consensus in climate negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). If governments are going to take on meaningful commitments to reduce their...


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