The Mountain Forum as a platform of knowledge on issues of world's mountains and launch of the World Mountain Forum

Wednesday, 18 September, 2013 - 14:32

Under the name of "knowledge platform for sustainable mountain development", on Wednesday, September 18, Miguel Saravia gave a presentation of the Mountain Forum as a platform for knowledge management in the service of those interested in the topics of mountains and those working for its revaluation and conservation.

The presentation of the Mountain Forum (MF) as a knowledge platform for sustainable development in mountain areas (SDM) was held today as part of a plenary session at capturing the attention of all participants of the Fourth Global Meeting the Mountain Partnership.

The Mountain Forum is the only online community dedicated to sharing information and experiences on any of the issues related to SDM. The MF is a repository of knowledge, a social network and an information portal aimed at people interested in the mountains around the world. Currently, CONDESAN acts as the Global Node this forum.

Share, join hands and work together collaboratively was the main message of this presentation. It was an invitation to all members of the Mountain Partnership to join, use and ownership this platform that offers online services such as news, calendar of events, a comprehensive repository of information materials, working groups, electronic forums and user data bank linked to the themes of mountains.

It also highlighted some of the features that this platform offers that make it different from other platforms: a multilingual platform because you can find information in English, Spanish, French and Russian, and users can upload their own news, events or publications without any intermediary previous available on mobile devices, decentralized updating their content and with the option to be consumed through different social networks that most people currently accessed.

Miguel concluded by emphasizing that the Mountain Forum is not just a web platform, but a vibrant community of stakeholders related to sustainable mountain development, willing to share and learn collaboratively. So announced the completion of the World Mountain Forum 2014 in May 2014. Peru's government announced its support for the holding of such a conference and invite all members of the General Assembly of the MP to participate.

Below you can find the full presentation on:



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