water management

As the Science of Sustainability, Ecological Economics must advance the transformation of the economy to support rather than debilitate the processes that sustain our living planet. Most fundamental to such an economy is its support of basic live support systems like food,...

Water issues in Latin America are the focus of 3 papers in this Open Issue.

One shows how water privatization in Chile has dispossessed indigenous people of their water rights, threatening uniquely biodiverse high-altitude wetlands; one reevaluates the FAO 56 PM...


Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of PROVIA (Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation). In 2016 the...

This research has reviewed existing water quality management frameworks and spatial relationships between land uses and urban water quality in Kathmandu Valley. Primary data on water quality has been collected through sampling of river water from various locations within the valley. Similarly, review of secondary data and related literature from various sources, field observation, interaction and...
Due to limited access to safe drinking water and lack of adequate sanitation facilities in most developing counties, the rapid population growth and urbanization have caused serious water scarcity and water pollution problems. Another prevalent environmental problem is global warming caused by burning of fossil fuels which has negative impacts on the hydrological cycle and consequently...

Five partner institutions are organising a joint training on International Water Law (IWL) in Africa. The experiences and lessons learnt will be used as a pilot to develop a 5-year-long (2016-2020) training programme on IWL, with the aim to improve transboundary water management...

How ancient water technology could help keep the taps running in Lima.

Peru's capital Lima is the second-largest desert city in the world. Although the region enjoys a surplus of water during the rainy season, keeping it is a problem. The excess often ends up...

Non-governmental agency helping farmers restore ancient system in Andean region and revitalise their water supplies.

High in the Andean region of Peru, ancient Peruvians stored water in ancient canals dating back to the seventh century. In modern Peru...

This study assessed four such interventions in terms of cost and potential to improve dry season baseflows, namely: animal exclusion from overgrazed puna grasslands, introduction of rotational grazing practices on currently overgrazed puna grasslands, hydrological restoration of...
The handbook provides an insight into the key issues linked to managing and restoring aquatic ecosystems. The information draws from real-life experiences, practical examples and expertise acquired in national and transboundary basins throughout the world involving people from public authorities and water practitioners right down to community levels. It is the knowledge source that not only...


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